Self Portrait Welcome to my homepage! QNX Corner

Finally I decided to redesign my webspot. It was designed so badly that only a few guys were able to navigate through the site. People who knew the secret site map were able, rest of visitors who was brought to these pages by different web search engines were able to see just one page barely related to their research. This is statistic I have collected. I am going to change that. Not to improve the quality of search engines, but give a possibility to navigate through the site and have some fun for those guys who got here accidentally.

Briefly what is where

QNX Corner All QNX related stuff is here. QNX is a real time OS, just in case you see this acronym first time ever. For more details about QNX, please visit QNX Software Systems.
Résumé This might be interesting for prospective employers only...
Photographs This is some kind of photo gallery. Under construction so far.
/etc Etceteras - additional unspecified odds and ends; miscellaneous stuff that did not fit elsewhere. The key point is that that stuff is also about computers and programming.

About me

I was born in Kharkiv, Ukraine, in 1970. As it was usual, I attended kindergarten, then primary and secondary school. Then I entered Kharkiv State University of Radio and Electronics, choosing Radio Engineering as a best fit to my interests: electronics and amateur radio (HAM), computers and programming, and creative photography. Those who are not familiar with Soviet post secondary educational system may wonder what is a Radio Engineer and what American college program it corresponds to. A short answer would be my addendum to diploma. Even if some less important courses like History of Communist Party are thrown away, it still was a very comprehensive 5-year program including enhanced laboratorium practicum. According to then constantly changing Soviet law, after first year of education I spent a year on military service providing radio communications for Air Force. After military service I never returned to HAM but kept interest in electronics and computers. Last two years of my formal education were split between University and Scientific Research Institute where I had privilege to participate in real projects specializing in digital signal processing (DSP). After graduation with real project diploma I continued to work with Research Institute full-time.

However economical situation in my country was not favourable for techies like me and I moved to Canada in 2002.


©2003-2009, Eduard Kromskoy